Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Water saving toilets do just that.

Water is a precious resource. Actually I should say clean water is a precious resource. The treated filtered kind. The kind you have to pay the utility company for. The same utility company that charges you again to get rid of the waste water. So using less water puts less stress on the water system, the aqufers and all of that, but using less water cuts down on your water bill. There are lots of ways to save, If you buy the right products you can save water and not even know it. Used to be that toilets had to have as much as six gallons of water to flush right. The unit I bought does the same job perfectly with only 1.6 gallons. I bought the TOTO brand because that's what I had in my old house and I was very pleased. When I was getting started I thought I wanted the dual flush one with two buttons, one for #1 and the other for#2. My supplier said they were having trouble getting them (Sept 2008), and said I'd be just as happy or maybe more with the ones that I got. Well all I can say is that I'm extremely happy, they flush just like my old ones except they only use 1.6 gallons. All in all I'd have to say that saving water by using a different toilet is pretty painless. Make sure you look for a water saving model when you are shopping

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