I thought those new washer dryer combo's looked pretty cool. They are pretty expensive though, lets look at some of the advantages. First they use lots less water. Lots. And with the super fast spin speed lots more of the water is removed already when they come out of the washer so there's less for the dryer to do. And you can get a lot more in it so there's less loads. As for the other advantages you'd have to ask my wife, because truthfully, she won't let me near it. Looks like I may have gotten the better end of this deal. We went with the Maytag EPIC Z. There were two series when we bought, the 400 and 600 series. We bought the 600 series. Also got those little boxes they sit on that raises them up higher. That's cool too. It's got more buttons and settings and sensors than the space shuttle. Can't really tell you about that stuff, but what I can tell you is make sure you take out these four special packing bolts in the rear or it will jump all over the room when the spin cycle starts up. An 11pm call to customer service got that worked out. Oops... Oh, one more thing, make sure you put the washer on the left and the dryer on the right, so the doors open correctly and not back to back. Happy washing from Gilbert, SC!
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