Clean air needs filtration to stay that way. If you check out what you're filtering the air with now, it's probably those blue return air filters that they call "rock catchers" in the trade. A lot of guys switch to those pleated filters from 3M, and they're better, except if your HVAC unit wasn't designed for that sort of flow restriction. Green experts recommend that you opt for at least a MERV 9 filter. They really filter down to the really small stuff and they have a lot more surface area so they don't restrict the flow of air through the unit. Another way to go is the way I went, and that's electronic cleaning. The particles in the air are charged, then collect on a metal screen inside the unit. There's also a pre screen that you can take out and wash off and re-use. I cleaned mine the other day and it was easy. The unit I used is the American Standard Accuclean system. Their website says that it cleans 99.98% paticulates and over 99% of the common flu virus. We have 3 cats and a dog now and it seems to be doing a great job for us. They even make HEPA units that install into your sytem also, so make sure you address proper air flitration, when you think about HVAC.
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