Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sealing the envelope: Bottom sills

When you're building, it's those green design details, that really make the whole project work.
A common place for air infiltration in any home is the spot where the stud wall meets the plywood on the floor, or the slab if that's your construction method. I sealed mine with fortiflash tape around the outside. Another way to go is to run a bead of caulking around the inside edge where the two meet. (Actually I did both, as well as caulking inside all of my electrical boxes where they meet the sheetrock.) I would suggest getting the little gaskets that go behind the electrical outlets instead of caulk. Don't forget the ceiling fixtures. Another area of concern is can lights (recessed lights). Look for the ones that are sealed units. The older style ones were actually ventilated to the attic so they wouldn't overheat! So, every time you turned on the HVAC, it was leaking out holes in the attic! If you have a home with these units in them my rater recommends building a little box around the can lights with styrofoam sheets to seal them up. Another place to work on is the attic stair. These units leak a lot of energy. They make some new products to help you out though, one is a little zippered enclosure ofer the top, and another is a styrofoam box that fits in place over the stair unit.

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