Friday, May 22, 2009

Going Green with Square One

In November of 2008, I completed construction of my new green residence in Gilbert SC. The results so far have been nothing short of phenominal. Thought I'd start this blog to fill everyone in on how to design, construct, and what it's like to live in a green home. We'll meet some of the guys who helped me along the way, and helped me figure out just what "green" is. We'll see some of the products and techniques that helped me design and build green in Columbia. SC. And we'll explore a little of the building science that makes it all work. Maybe after seeing what I was able to accomplish, you'll be intrigued enough to either build a green home for yourself, or green up the existing home that you have now. Keep checking back for updates on my progress in transferring updates to this site, or you can get some more info at my regular website . Just click on the "going Green" link.

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